Did Kate Winslet finally get the memo about being nice to her fans?

LMAO. After a week of tabloid drama in which it seemed like Radar/Star Magazine was hellbent on calling Kate Winslet a C-U-Next-Tuesday, Kate Winslet was finally photographed smiling and waving. These are photos of Kate on the Massachusetts set of Labor Day, the same set where she apparently BROKE THE SOULS of a few hundred

LMAO. After a week of tabloid drama in which it seemed like Radar/Star Magazine was hellbent on calling Kate Winslet a C-U-Next-Tuesday, Kate Winslet was finally photographed smiling and waving. These are photos of Kate on the Massachusetts set of Labor Day, the same set where she apparently BROKE THE SOULS of a few hundred Winslet fan-girls who had been waiting in rain for even a glimpse of their idol. So… do you think Winslet’s PR team gave her a call and said, “Look, Kate, you need to wave at some paparazzi, smile for the cameras a little bit, just so this one media company will stop running stories about your repeated acts of stone-cold bitchery”? Because I think that’s exactly what happened.

Kate Winslet, in Mansfield yesterday to film scenes for her new flick “Labor Day,” redeemed herself in the eyes of a few Mass. fans, after complaints that the “Titanic” actress is snubbing her adoring public.

“There was a guy there holding up a sign that said, ‘Kate, please sign my poster,’” said Someone Who Was There. “Her driver came over, got the poster, brought it to Kate and she signed it, then he called the guy over and he was able to thank her.”

Winslet’s largesse came after reports that she had snubbed fans in Shelburne Falls and on a Virgin Atlantic flight to Boston.

Shelburne Falls resident Shanna Swan told Star maggie that the actress ignored a crowd of fans who had waited more than an hour in the rain to see her arrive on the set during filming in the small town last week. Earlier this month, mom Susan Roberts complained to RadarOnline that the star promised to give her two daughters some face time after they asked her for her autograph on a Virgin flight from London to Boston. She didn’t, but did, however, autograph a book for the gals.

“She seemed friendlier yesterday,” said our spy on the set. “At one point she did smile and wave to the crowd. She must have gotten the memo.”

[Via The Boston Herald]

Well done, Kate. Way to give in to the unreasonable demands of a handful of hysterical fan-girls who think they own you. I mean, of course there’s a happy medium. Kate is not required to be all things to all people, and I think it’s unfair to her (or to any celebrity) to expect that she drop everything to make a few Grumpies happy. But I do think Kate’s people told her that she needed to be shaking a few more hands, signing a few more autographs, and smiling a bit more. Which is fine. Hopefully, there won’t be another Radar story tomorrow about how Kate was only smiling because she had just kicked a puppy.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

