Jennifer Anistons hairstylist abandoned her for another woman, Kim Kardashian

Jennifer Aniston has been homewrecked yet again! Only this time shes been hair-wrecked. The Enquirer claims this week that Aniston has been abandoned by her longtime hair guru Chris McMillan! Chris and Jen have been besties for two decades when she travels on promotional rounds, Chris comes with her for her mandatory blowouts. When

Jennifer Aniston has been homewrecked yet again! Only this time she’s been hair-wrecked. The Enquirer claims this week that Aniston has been abandoned by her longtime hair guru Chris McMillan! Chris and Jen have been besties for two decades – when she travels on promotional rounds, Chris comes with her for her mandatory blowouts. When she and Brad split up, she moved into Chris’s house for several months. He’s been her constant, the longest relationship she’s ever had with a non-family-member man. And now Chris has become He Who Is Uncool. Chris was stolen!!! Chris dumped Jennifer for… Kim Kardashian?!?!

Jennifer Aniston’s longtime stylist and close pal Chris McMillan has trimmed his quality time with her to become BFFs with Kim Kardashian because he feels the raven-haired beauty is not only nicer but a bigger star too.

“Jen is stewing,” disclosed an insider. “Of all of the men in her life, Chris has been the one constant. He stood by Jen through her marriage and breakup to Brad Pitt and all of her love-life ups and downs. Jen expected he’d always be loyal. Now she’s furious – at both Chris and Kim – for the betrayal.”

After Kim posted some photos of Chris in December, “Jen was fuming because she and Chris used to watch ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ together and mock the family… Jen sent a message to Kim to back off, but Kim isn’t scared of her. And the plan actually backfired – Chris was furious at Jen about it.”

According to the insider, Chris feels that Jen turned her back on her longtime friends after hooking up with Justin Theroux and things only got worse when the couple got engaged in August.

“Chris feels edged out by Justin, who he says makes Jen’s old friends uncomfortable by talking down to them,” noted the insider. While Jen and Chris remain cordial and have no plans to discontinue their partnership (the haircare line Living Proof), the friendship has been damaged.

“Chris is raving about how fun-loving and sweet Kim is… he says she’s a real breath of fresh air after having to constantly hear about Jen’s body insecurities and relationship traumas. Chris now likes hanging out with Kim much more than Jen.”

[From The Enquirer, print edition]

You know what I think the worst part is? It’s not that Jennifer, The Forever Dumped, got dumped again. The worst part is the idea that Kim Kardashian is more fun than Jennifer. That Jennifer is a neurotic mess who whines about her life all day and all night. Oh well… at least Chris and Jennifer still get to be in business together – they’re doing that MIT “Living Proof” thing together, and I’m sure it will be a lucrative partnership. You know what this kind of reminds me of? When Jessica Simpson and her BFF/hairstylist Ken Paves broke up – it happened under similar circumstances too! Paves dumped Jessica for Eva Longoria. And Jess and Jen both dated Mayer… conspiracy?!

Photos courtesy of Living Proof.

